
Showing posts from October, 2012

Episode 13: Vicious Veggies

In the final 2012 episode of Enhanced Eerie Elegance, there's still plenty of time to make your crudite tray into Vicious Veggies with quick and easy tips for last-minute Halloween parties! That makes THIRTEEN episodes of Enhanced Eerie Elegance to accompany the book available for sale at or on Amazon ! Hope you enjoy your Halloween!

Episode 12: Spooky Spellbooks

Save your cracker and cereal boxes to recycle them into lightweight new or ancient Spooky Spellbooks for customized Halloween decor!  For more projects like this, please buy the book at or on Amazon ! :)

Episode 11: Donut Be Scared Peekaboo Pumpkins

Donut Be Scared! These Peekaboo Pumpkins are tasty, adorable and easy to make for your own Halloween party! Learn how in this new episode of Enhanced Eerie Elegance! For more recipes like this, please buy the book at or on Amazon ! :)

Episode 10: Ghostly Greenery

In the third episode of this year's series of Enhanced Eerie Elegance, be inspired by all sorts of flora that can be Ghostly Greenery!  For more projects like this, please buy the book at or on Amazon ! :)

Episode 9: Carved Stone Walls: Part 2

After carving insulation foam sheets to shape in the previous episode, now learn painting & aging techniques to create your own large Carved Stone Walls, the second Enhanced Eerie Elegance episode of 2012! For more projects like this, please buy the book at or on Amazon ! :)